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Nexus Fusion Carbon Reduction Plan (2023-2030).

Nexus Fusion Carbon Reduction Plan (2023-2030)

Introduction: Since launching in 2016, Nexus Fusion has established itself as a leading supplier of next-generation technology services. Our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility is integral to our mission. In this Carbon Reduction Plan, we outline our strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimize our environmental footprint from 2023 to 2030. We will use 2022 as our baseline year for initial emissions calculations, and in cases where specific data is unavailable, we will use industry averages to estimate emissions.

1. Emissions Inventory and Baseline Year: Nexus Fusion will use the data from January to December 2022 as our baseline year to calculate initial emissions. To estimate emissions for missing data, we will rely on industry averages, taking into account the size and nature of our business.

2. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Goal: Nexus Fusion aims to reduce energy consumption by 20% by 2030.


• Conduct an energy audit to identify areas for efficiency improvements.
• Upgrade office lighting to LED fixtures.
• Implement a policy to encourage employees to turn off lights and equipment when not in use.
• Investigate the feasibility of installing on-site renewable energy sources like solar panels.

3. Transportation and Fleet Management: Goal: Reduce transportation-related emissions by 15% by 2030.


• Promote remote work options to reduce employee commuting.
• Encourage carpooling and the use of public transportation.
• Evaluate the feasibility of introducing electric vehicles (EVs) into the company fleet.
• Implement a telecommuting policy to reduce business travel.

4. Supply Chain and Procurement: Goal: Reduce supply chain emissions by 10% by 2030.


• Collaborate with suppliers to assess and improve the carbon footprint of products.
• Optimize transportation logistics to reduce emissions associated with product delivery.
• Encourage the use of eco-friendly materials and packaging.

5. Waste Reduction and Recycling: Goal: Divert 70% of waste from landfills by 2030.


• Implement a comprehensive recycling program.
• Educate employees about proper waste sorting and disposal.
• Minimize single-use plastics in office operations.

6. Employee Engagement: Goal: Foster a culture of sustainability and engage employees in carbon reduction efforts.


• Conduct regular sustainability training and awareness programs.
• Encourage employees to submit suggestions for reducing emissions.
• Recognize and reward employees for sustainable practices.

7. Reporting and Monitoring: Goal: Regularly track and report progress on emission reduction.


• Quarterly review of emissions data and progress against reduction goals.
• Publish an annual sustainability report to share achievements and setbacks.
• Consider third-party verification of our carbon reduction efforts.

8. Continuous Improvement: Nexus Fusion is committed to an iterative approach to reducing carbon emissions. We will adapt and improve our strategies based on changing circumstances, technological advancements, and best practices in the industry.

Conclusion: Nexus Fusion is dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint and contributing to a more sustainable future. By implementing this Carbon Reduction Plan, we aim to make a positive impact on the environment, while also benefiting from cost savings and enhanced corporate social responsibility. We will regularly assess our progress and update our strategies to meet our emission reduction goals for 2030.

Nexus Fusion Baseline Emission Footprint (Jan to Dec 2022)
In order to establish a baseline for our carbon reduction plan, we have gathered data on our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the period from January to December 2022. It’s important to note that in some cases, industry averages have been used where specific data was unavailable. Here is the breakdown of our emissions:

1. Energy Consumption:

• Electricity: 2,200 MWh
• Natural Gas: 1,500 MMBtu
• Fuel for Vehicles: 30,000 gallons
• Other Energy Sources: 100 MWh (estimated)

2. Transportation:

• Employee Commuting: 800,000 miles (estimated)
• Business Travel: 500,000 miles (estimated)

3. Supply Chain:

• Supplier Emissions (Scope 3): 5,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalent (estimated)

4. Waste:

• Total Waste Generated: 50 metric tons
• Landfilled Waste: 15 metric tons
• Recycled Waste: 20 metric tons
• Composted Waste: 10 metric tons
• Hazardous Waste: 5 metric tons

Please note that these emissions figures are approximations and are used to establish a baseline for our carbon reduction efforts. We are committed to improving the accuracy of our data collection and emissions reporting as we progress in our sustainability initiatives. Our goal is to reduce these emissions significantly by 2030, as outlined in our Carbon Reduction Plan.

Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.

baseline year


Current Emissions Reporting

current emmission reporting year

Carbon Reduction Project and Initiative

Project Title: “Nexus Fusion Green IT: A Carbon-Neutral Future”

Introduction: As a company certified with ISO 14001 for our commitment to environmental management, Nexus Fusion recognizes the importance of taking proactive steps to reduce our carbon footprint. We are launching the “Nexus Fusion Green IT” project, aimed at achieving carbon neutrality in our operations and technology services. This initiative aligns with ISO 14001 standards and reinforces our dedication to sustainability.

Project Goals:

1. Achieve carbon neutrality in our Scope 1 emissions by 2025.
2. Reduce Scope 2 emissions by 50% by 2030.
3. Establish a carbon-offset program to neutralize remaining emissions.

Initiative Highlights:

1. Energy Efficiency Upgrades:

• Conduct energy audits to identify areas for improvement.
• Transition to 100% renewable energy for our facilities.
• Implement server virtualization and efficient cooling systems in data centres.

2. Green Procurement:

• Collaborate with suppliers to source eco-friendly hardware and equipment.
• Prioritize Energy Star-rated devices for internal use.

3. Employee Engagement:

• Promote telecommuting and remote work options to reduce commuting emissions.
• Encourage employees to participate in sustainability programs.
• Offer incentives for energy-saving behaviour.

4. Sustainable IT Practices:

• Develop IT solutions to minimize energy consumption and optimize server utilization.
• Explore innovative technologies like Al for predictive maintenance and energy efficiency.

5. Waste Reduction:

• Implement a comprehensive e-waste recycling program.
• Reduce the use of disposable IT equipment and promote reusability.

6. Carbon Offset Program:

• Invest in verified carbon offset projects to compensate for any remaining emissions.
• Support renewable energy, reforestation, and other sustainable initiatives.

Monitoring and Reporting:

• Regularly track emissions and report progress as per ISO 14001 requirements.
• Engage in third-party verification to ensure accuracy and credibility of our carbon- neutral claims.

Conclusion: The “Nexus Fusion Green IT” project is an integral part of our commitment to environmental responsibility and our ISO 14001 certification. By taking these measures, we are dedicated to reducing our carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality while providing our clients with environmentally conscious technology services. This initiative represents our ongoing efforts to be a leader in sustainable IT solutions and to contribute to an eco-friendlier future.

Declaration and Sign Off

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.

Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard1 and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting2.

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard3.

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors ( or equivalent management body).

Signed on behalf of the Supplier:



Date: 22.02.2024


Download a copy of the Nexus Fusion Carbon Reduction Plan (2023-2030) here.


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